The Narcissist Convinced Me That I Am Not a Good Communicator

Lori Moulton đź’—
4 min readMar 31, 2023

This is a tool the narcissist uses to confuse you.

Man looking confused, holding his hand up to his ear, listening.
Photo courtesy of Canva

You Are an Accomplished Person

You are most likely an accomplished person outside of your relationship with the narcissist. You are educated, and other people understand you just fine.

Despite having a master’s degree in education (school counseling), and a teaching career for 27 years, the narcissists in my life convinced me that I was not a good communicator.

One way they made me believe I was a poor communicator was by making me believe that I spoke too quietly, which, yes, I do tend to speak quietly, but do you know what caused that? Being unsure of what I was saying due to constant criticism. For as long as I can remember, people have told me that I speak so quietly. However, my mother once told me that up until I was about two years old, I was really loud. Why the change? I can only speculate, because I cannot remember back that far.

I’m very sensitive to the moods of others, as many of us empathic people are. I guess I could recognize when it wasn’t safe to speak up. The narcissists in my life learned that they could intimidate me when my voice got softer. Then they would use that, by loudly saying things like, “I can’t hear you. Speak up!”, which only…



Lori Moulton đź’—

Certified Transformational Coach, Masters in School Counseling, Teacher, Author