The Hardest Part Is Breaking the Trauma Bond With the Narcissist

Lori Moulton 💗
6 min read3 days ago

Photo courtesy of Fizkez for Getty Images

What is the hardest part about ending your relationship with the narcissist? You may have answered, worry about finances, or worry about your children. Maybe you said, worrying about where you would live.

But, in my opinion, breaking the trauma bond is one of the most difficult things you will have to do in your toxic relationship. After all, The National Domestic Violence Hotline reports that women go back to their abusive partners an average of seven times, before they leave for good.

That’s because the narcissist, or toxic person in your life, has slowly conditioned you, over time, to turn to them for your every need.

  • They are the ones to hurt you, but they are also the ones to comfort you.
  • They are the ones to put you down, but they are also the ones to lift you up.
  • They are the ones to tell you how to think.
  • They are the ones who tell you how to feel.
  • They tell you who is good for you to be around, and who is not.
  • They tell you how to spend your time, and how not to spend your time.

By the time you are ready to leave, it’s like you no longer know anything about…



Lori Moulton 💗

Certified Transformational Coach, Masters in School Counseling, Teacher, Author